Concern about future credit is a primary concern of many people who file for bankruptcy. People wonder if their credit score will drop dramatically, and if it will stay that way forever or if credit can be rebuilt. Regarding this issue, the Supreme Court said in a...
Experienced. Personalized. Effective.
Ensure your estate plan protects your home
As a homeowner, you may assume you know what will happen to your house after your death. If you have not made specific arrangements for such a transfer, however, your house could end up causing a headache for your heirs. New Jersey allows for several ways for you to...
The advantages and disadvantages of creating a trust
Many people think that trusts are only for the extremely wealthy. At , we have been helping people create estate plans for nearly 40 years. We know that anyone who wants or needs to incorporate a trust into their estate planning can do so,...
What to look out for in a purchase agreement
There’s a lot of money involved when purchasing or selling residential property. That’s why all parties must be aware and informed when it comes to agreeing to the terms of the purchase. A purchase agreement includes the purchase price, address of the property,...
What estate planning tools are available to you?
At Mariano & Coiro, P.C. we have been handling estate planning for New Jerseyans for almost 40 years, and we know that your wishes for your legacy are unique. You may want to provide for your family, support a good cause or protect the wealth you have built during...
Do I really need a living will and proxy directive?
Most young adults in their 20s and 30s enjoy good health. They rarely (if ever) need to go to the doctor or the hospital. Serious illness and injury seem like remote possibilities that healthy young people seldom consider. Hopefully, we will all enjoy a long, healthy...
Why can’t I sell my house with a lien on it?
You may be frustrated to find a buyer for your home only to have the title search reveal a list of debts you must pay off before you can close on the sale. Many companies, government agencies and even individuals may place a lien on your property to secure a debt....
What are easements and how are they used?
Many property owners have heard of easements but are not familiar with exactly what they are or do. If you are a property owner in New Jersey, it's important to understand the most common types of easements, why they are used, and when an easement might affect your...
What are Title Searches and Title Insurance and why are they Critical to your New Jersey real estate purchase?
Whenever you purchase real estate in New Jersey, the seller has a duty to provide you with clear title to the property. That means the property must be free from claims by any third parties. In order to make sure the property has clear title, your attorney must order...
Buying a home in NJ? Understand these things about pre-closing inspections
If you're buying a home in New Jersey, it's important to understand how pre-closing inspections fit into the process. The inspections occur: AFTER the contract of sale is presented to you (or your attorney), and AFTER the Attorney Review period has concluded. The...